
boobalan govindaraj Student affiarsBoobalan Govindaraj ,Blogger .There are many people living in world having different personalities. This is the personalitywhich makes everyone unique and different from others. We can never see two people of exactly same personality. It never changes and decided the quality of a person. I am taking the example of me. I am so special in this world and have unique personality than others. I am very responsible and sympathetic person. I always help others and try my best to solve their problems. I am self-centered person have not any enemy in this world.

I always talk to others very happily with smiling face. I am very simple and always pay attention to my study and motivate my friends as well to focus on their study.I Completed  Bachelor in Electrical Engineering at SVSCE, Coimbatore.My Hobbies are in Blog design, Copy write, Narrate Articles, Logo Design, SEO, Facebook Marketing.,I Good in Working as SEO analyst, Blog Design and Article writer.

My parents get me out at picnic or long tour in my every vacation during winter or summer season. I live in very good society where some programmes are organized from time to time in order to increase awareness among common public about the social issues. My father always takes me with him to participate in such programmes. My mom always teaches me about ethics and etiquette’s to make me a good citizen of India. I always keep my study room and bed room neat and clean. I always take care of my hygiene and wash hands well with soap before and after eating the food. My mom and dad love me a lot and care for my every likes and dislikes. I like to play ludo or carom with my parents whenever they become free.

My favorite line is :

“Who  knows ? who will be with you? Limit your Past and Commit Your Presents”